Friday, July 20, 2012

Reflection I on Our Hearts' Desire

In the Adult Catechism, we read, "Only in God will we find the truth, peace, and happiness for which we never stop searching. Created in God's image, we are called to know and love the Lord." Who will know our hearts and what would bring us, as individuals, peace and happiness, but the One who made us? St. Augustine reminds us, "God loves each of us as if there was only one to love." How awesome is that! Our Creator not only put us here, but he also wants us to get to know him. The same Creator of the vast oceans, blue sky, and enormous mountains is the same One who wants a relationship with us. The One who has created us desires us to 'know and love' him! This is no distant 'being' who just put things in motion and walked away.

As I reflect further on the words from Our Hearts' Desire, I get excited because it reminds me that I've been purposely created by a loving God. To me, this echoes the words of the prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah when they speak of the love and care God has for his children and creation. (Isaiah 43:1 You are Mine, Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you).

I also think of the Holy Trinity and how each person glorifies the other. Even, though Christ is not mentioned, specifically, in the first post it also 'speaks' of him as he is the eternal, loving, Word of God and embodies the love that Our Father has for us, his children. Since, the Holy Spirit is the Love between the Father and the Son, he provides us access through which we can connect to the Father. We cannot get to our heart, nor the heart of the Father without His Son and the Spirit.

With so much love surrounding us, it's hard not to feel it when I reflect on these words. The word love is mentioned several times, yet it is a love that is different from friendship, spouse, or even that between an earthly parent and child. It is a love of one known and created by the Knower and Creator...before his or her existence is even thought of on this planet. This is a love that is deep, timeless, endless, and grace-filled as it is undeserved. As we grasp for fulfillment in this life, our hearts long for love like this.
St. Augustine said it well when he said,  "Our hearts are restless (Lord) until they rest in you." Indeed.

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