Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The True Crown

“And the soldiers wove a crown of thorns and placed it on his head…”
                                                                                    John 19:2

The accolades, praises, and rewards that this world gives are nothing compared to the reward of Eternal beauty and joy of Heaven. I’m sure that each of us, from one time or another, have found ourselves stuck in pleasing people or trying to win them over for reward sake, for how we will look.

But, when will we learn? This is not the right crown. Fame or popularity, recognition, whatever you want to call it is like a crown of thorns piercing our skin. It does nothing but eventually cause pain and trap us into an endless cycle of craving more attention. We think that the fix to the pain is more praise from others, from making others happy, but this is distorted. Instead of gaining the greater good, we end up losing ourselves in constant pain. This is not what our Father in Heaven wants! 

His Son took on the Cross and bore the crown of thorns to heal us, to bring us new life, to teach us. The lesson of the Cross is love, obedience, mercy, and surrender. These will gain us more than one word of praise spoken from another person. Acknowledgment, in itself, is not always bad; sometimes it helps us to know that we are on to something and helps us to be aware of fruit that is producing in our lives. However, as difficult as it can be to resist, it should never be what we seek or the reason behind our actions.

The Father’s Love never fails and is incomparable. Let us ask for the grace to know this within our hearts…to let this fill us. If we accept that Jesus wore the crown of thorns for us, then we have no need to put it on ourselves. Once we make pleasing our Father in Heaven, our bread, then there will be no need to find painful, distorted, or fruitless ways of filling our emptiness elsewhere.

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