Thursday, October 4, 2012

Like Coming Home

The one moment of love that set us free is God’s Son on the Cross. However, we come to know His love when we look at this and understand that He died for us and His love is real. We were saved when He died, but we have to accept the action of love, fully. Some people say that they are saved, but in fact, they are not because they haven’t accepted that Christ died, that He died for them. And, that they are to love others, follow Him by building His Kingdom, and participate in suffering themselves. It’s a lot to take in.

However, there can be a moment of awakening that starts the process of opening our hearts. That would be the moment that we look away from ourselves long enough to see the love that is right in front of us saying, “Wow! I had no idea.” It’s like coming home.

Once we notice His love, then we have the opportunity to choose, every day, to let Him love us. It must permeate our entire beings…body and soul, consume us. But, not everyone is ready for that. That’s why it’s a process. We must recognize that we need love. We must acknowledge the walls that are there and choose to take them down and come face to face with Him in order for us to do that together. We must pray to see what we are attached to so that we can gain the strength from the Father to overcome it. We have to desire this relationship because it takes work, courage, and faith. 

So many of us give up before we start, or we get a rush or a blessing and try to make that the relationship and start again, but then it is short-lived. We have to be humble enough to look at ourselves in the mirror to see the flaws and face our Father without the masks and cover ups that we use, naked, if you will, stripped of the comfort of earthly things. This leads to holiness because all we have is God…and that’s all we need, really. But, we have to learn or retrain our flesh not to find comfort on earth through pleasure, sin, etc. We must not allow fear or laziness keep us from stepping out of ourselves and changing.

By allowing the light of Christ’s Crucifixion shine in the dark crevices of our souls and clinging to Him on the Cross and letting the Holy Spirit change us, strip us, and purify us…all while falling into the arms of our Father, so He can embrace us, we find the grace and strength possible to come to know Love.

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