Tuesday, October 30, 2012

What Are You Listening to?

Words of love are what the Father chooses for us… words that lift us up, make our day, correct and guide. Our Father always speaks the truth. But often times, we hear other words. The voice may sound the same, but the words are very different. These are words that cause us to worry, “Am I good enough?” Or, perhaps, we've heard them so much that we’re beaten down and have given up. These are lies. We should call them what they are. Maybe they come from a deep inner wound, or maybe they come from the devil, but they are not the truth.

How do we know that?
Because they steal, kill, and destroy. Lies steal our joy, kill our relationships, and destroy our lives. Perhaps it didn’t happen so forcibly at first. It can take time… which is why they are so deadly; however, suddenly you can’t get out of bed and face the day, or get past the hurt that someone caused you. All. Because. You. Believed. A. Lie. 

Along the way something inside of you said,
“If only I could be better…”
“If I were a good person (wife, friend, boss)” or
 “I'm useless. ”
Lies can also be about other people, even people we love. “He's running late on purpose. He'd rather be at work and make me.”
“They never include me. I bet they're talking about me right now.”
Lies. Sad words that we just think and allow to marinate.

How can we get from lies to truth?
There may not be a way to fully stop these words from floating in our head, but we can stop them from getting stuck deep in our hearts and becoming part of us. As with many things, recognizing is the first step. This can be difficult because we are honestly hurt sometimes, and it's so easy to go there. Pray for wisdom and strength. Asked the Father to be with you. Second, go with the facts–“He wouldn't hurt me on purpose. He loves me.”
“They are my friends.”
Third, is there anything that might be true within the lie? For example, it could frustrate you when he's late because you try to be on time. Or, it might hurt your feelings when they don't call. Recognizing the truths that are hidden in a lie can bring about fruitful, genuine conversation, which is the basis of true friendship. And true love.

Why is this important?
Recognizing lies keeps us or gets us at peace and allows love in. The truth gives, brings life, and reconciles…the opposite effects of lies. We were created to receive and give love. Living in the truth of our daily lives allows us to do that. It makes us less selfish because we aren't so focused on ourselves. This leaves us open to allow love to flow through us. Life is hard enough without us allowing ourselves to be beaten down by lies. Our Father spoke Truth into the world when He sent His Son, and He continues to find ways to speak his love to us. Blessed are those who strive to hear his still, small, voice speaking love and beauty into their lives.

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